Urban Estate, Kurukshetra, Haryana
How quickly can you deliver?
What shipping companies do you use? Can you ship ‘freight collect’?
Are there any other costs?
Can you draw up a quote / proforma invoice for me?
Our sales team provides official quotes for you. However, you must first specify the billing address, shipping address, e-mail address, phone number, and shipping method (i.e., shipping speed, whether or not it is shipping ‘freight collect’, etc.). We cannot create an accurate quote without this information.
Do you accept purchase orders?
How can I pay for my order?
Does Nanochemazone offer discounts?
We offer a 5-10% discount for academic research.
If a material is currently in stock, can you ‘reserve’ it for me?
Not in all cases. Our materials are sold with priority given to customers whose payment we receive first, and whose delivery instructions we receive first. Thus, if payment delays or shipping-communication delays are preventing us from completing your order, another customer may get priority.
Can you custom-manufacture a product for me?
If there is a nanoparticle that we do not have in stock, then yes, it is generally possible for us to get it produced for you. We would do a custom manufacturing run to produce it. However, this approach is typically only suitable for our industrial customers, since it usually requires (a) a minimum of kg-sized quantities ordered (b) thousands of dollars of overhead costs, and (c) months of lead time. If interested, please e-mail sales with details of what you are looking for.
What is the Ordering Procedure?
Ask for Quote————-Ask for Proforma Invoice—————–Send out the payment via Online Bank Transfer/Demand Draft/Bank Telegraphic Transfer—————-Product shipped out within 5 days
Contact Us
Aritech Chemazone Pvt. Ltd.
Plot 890 ,Sector-7, Urban Estate, Kurukshetra, Haryana - 136118, India
Call Us : View Mobile Number
E-mail : sales@chemazone.in
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